You 是 never alone at 十大彩票平台. 我们是来支持你的 collegiate journey and ensure you have the tools necessary to succeed. 有很多 amazing ways to get involved on campus or just get additional support where and when 你需要它. Take advantage of everything your college experience has to offer. 下面 listed 是 several resources that will help you personally as a student at EGSC.
At 十大彩票平台, 学术顾问 is designed to help students to:
Develop appropriate educational plans; Understand course requirements for degree completion; Achieve academic goals; Explore c是er possibilities and Navigate campus services 和资源.
欲了解更多服务或信息,请访问我们的 学术建议页面!
卓越学术中心(A.C.E.)提供各种学术支持 resources and services for our students including:
- 辅导(现场和远程)
- A.C.E. 学院(教师小组辅导)
- 测试普氏
- 学术研讨会
- 计算机实验室 & 研究空间
- 其他学习资源
Students who take advantage of the services 和资源 provided by the A.C E. 是 better prep是d to succeed in their classes through critical thinking skills and independent 学习.
欲了解更多服务或信息,请访问我们的 ACE页面!
We have a little bit of everything here at 十大彩票平台, and what we 不要我们鼓励你随身携带! 这里有无数的好机会 参与并回馈我们的社区. 下面列出的只是其中的一些 wonderful opportunities here at East Georgia for you to make friends and make a difference.
- 学生会协会
- 大使计划
- 娱乐游戏室
- 校内的运动
- 俱乐部及组织
- 特别节目及活动
For more information on how to take advantage of all that 学生生活 has to offer, 亲自到JAM学生中心访问我们.
egsc -斯泰茨伯勒的学生生活
参与! 有很多 clubs and organizations you can join both at EGSC and 佐治亚南方大学... some for fun and some for academic, professional or 宗教信仰. Go to a concert or check out a movie on campus, or even head to the beach with other students through the Office of Student Activities.
Learn more about EGSC-斯泰茨伯勒 学生生活 here!
Go to a concert or check out a movie on campus, or test your gaming skills with other EGSC-A and AU students through the Office of 学生生活!
的 山猫储藏室 program is an assistance program for students who may need a little extra help getting some of life’s basic necessities. 该项目提供免费食物 and toiletries during hard times when financial resources can be limited. 学习 更多十大彩票游戏平台山猫食品储藏室的信息, 十大彩票平台访问我们. 你也可以联系 罗斯福% 20年轻, who facilitates this program on behalf of the Office of 学生生活.
的 EGSC library has a lot more to offer than just books! 我们提供WiFi热点, Laptops, and Graphing Calculators that all check out (for free!)一次一个星期.
We also offer research appointments and citation help. 做一个虚拟的或面对面的 appointment, and a librarian will help you finds sources for your work and help you 创建你的参考资料页面.
欲了解更多服务或信息,请访问我们的 库页!
在扎克S酒吧. Henderson 图书馆, check out material from over one million books, 期刊和其他文件. Reserve a study space or a presentation room, or 只需使用电脑和打印机.
了解更多有关 亨德森图书馆的网页!
的 Reese 图书馆 is open seven days a week and offers traditional library services, 工作室和安静的学习场所. 还有几个计算机站和 可以保留的工作空间.
了解更多有关 Reese 图书馆在他们的页面!